The proposal was denied!

View the proposed development plans

There is a proposed development called the Pinebrook Townhomes for the 1.1 acre plot of land in lower Pinebrook, currently where the tennis courts are.

This development proposes to place 22 units on this small plot of land, almost 5 times the density of homes in the surrounding area!

This is simply unacceptable. The immediate area surrounding the land already has traffic and parking issues. This will only make things worse.

In order to proceed with the development, the developer has submitted a request to rezone the area from Rural Residential to Community Commercial.

After getting legal counsel, it appears our best chance to combat this zoning change request is to make our voice heard at the public hearing on April 26th at 6:00 pm to discuss the rezone request. The public hearing is a Zoom call, so it's very easy to attend. Here's the Zoom link:

Public Hearing Zoom Link - 4/26/22 6pm

We've had an attorney send a letter to the planning commission with arguments against the development.

View the letter from the attorney

While we want you to make sure your voice is heard with whatever opinion you have, we've been counseled to reiterate the following points:

  1. The unit density (roughly 20 units per acre) is drastically different from the surrounding neighborhoods (6-10 units per acre) and is not justifiable even by putting affordable housing units there.

    The development, as proposed, would be overly burdensome on the local community.

  2. Parking and traffic are already major concerns on Pinebrook Road, mainly due to rush times for the day school. Adding a 22-unit development with insufficient parking will make that so much worse.

    Video evidence of what happens when street parking occurs on Pinebrook Road during school rush times

  3. No plan for snow removal has been shown. Again, with insufficient parking or with them parking in front of garages, where will the snow be pushed?

  4. There is no on-site management planned, which will inevitably lead to over occupancy, which will compound the parking and traffic issues.

You can also email Amir Caus ( at the Snyderville Basin Planning Commission. The Pinebrook HOAs have prepared a sample email (shown below). The button below will open a this prepared email for you to easily send, or you can also simply copy the email and send it yourself.

Send email to the Planning Commission

Prepared Email:

To the Snyderville Basin Planning Commission:

The proposed Pinebrook Townhomes development on the 1.1 acre plot of land in lower Pinebrook is not acceptable. The proposed density of units will cause additional strain to an area that already has parking and traffic issues. Additionally, the proposed density of units is totally out of line with the rest of the surrounding neighborhoods.

It is my understanding that to proceed, the developer needs to have the area rezoned from Rural Residential to Community Commercial. Please deny this zoning change request.

Thank you,

A concerned Pinebrook citizen